The Basics

Dental Cleanings

Just like your car needs regular tune-ups, your teeth require professional cleanings at least twice a year. This isn’t just about a brighter smile; it removes plaque buildup that brushing and flossing can’t reach, preventing cavities, gum disease, and even future health complications. By investing in these cleanings every 6 months, you’re ensuring a healthy mouth and saving yourself potential trouble down the road.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Ditch the silver and embrace our advanced tooth-colored composite fillings! Our advanced “chameleon effect” technology ensures a perfect match to your unique tooth shade. We also use sonic-filled composite to guarantee a precise and complete filling, leaving no room for future decay. Say goodbye to noticeable fillings and hello to a healthy, confident smile!


For some patients an onlay may be a more appropriate treatment option instead of crowns. Onlays offer a more conservative solution by preserving healthy tooth structure and is much stronger than large fillings. Think of it as a large filling made of crown material. We can craft your custom 3D printed onlay in house with precision and speed, getting you back to smiling bright the same day!


Think of crowns like tailor-made helmets for your teeth. Crowns may be required for fractured teeth, root canaled teeth, or exceptionally large cavities. At our practice, we partner with top labs to craft the highest quality crowns using advanced materials like zirconia and lithium disilicate. For select cases, we can 3D print our crowns in house for same day restorations! This means you can walk out with a beautiful, strong restoration in just one visit!

Root Canals

Sometimes, a deep cavity can reach the nerve inside your tooth, causing moderate to severe sensitivity or infection. A root canal treatment gently removes this inflamed tissue, cleans the area thoroughly, and seals it to prevent future issues.


Dental implants function as new tooth roots- titanium anchors that fuse with your jawbone providing rock-solid support for your custom crowns or bridges. This is a permanent solution that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.



Veneers offer a minimally invasive and permanent solution for a variety of cosmetic concerns. These versatile wonders can reshape misshapen teeth, lengthen short ones, conceal minor imperfections and even close spaces between teeth. Crafted from durable, tooth-colored materials like porcelain or composite resin, we can transform your smile to help you radiate your inner confidence and joy!

3D Printed Temporary Veneers

While awaiting your final permanent veneers to be designed by our world-class lab, we create our own in-house temporary masterpieces. Dr. Shah uses your digital smile design to craft your perfect veneer. Our leading-edge 3D printer then uses the most precise measurements available with this technology to sculpt them into reality. Dr. Shah’s specialized veneer-delivery process gives you the best look and fit possible, optimizes gum healing and ensures a seamless visual transition when your final veneers are placed.


In-office tooth whitening is like a magic wand for your teeth, erasing stubborn stains and achieving up to 4 shades lighter and brighter teeth. In just one visit, our professional-grade ingredients achieve dramatic results in a fraction of the time of at home treatments. Schedule a consult today to determine if in-office whitening is the right choice for your teeth and oral health.


Dental bonding is like the magic eraser of minor smile imperfections, offering a budget-friendly, no-prep way to restore beauty and function. This quick and gentle procedure bonds durable resin directly to your tooth, hiding chips, gaps, and discoloration. When seemingly small imperfections cause you to be self-conscious and hide your smile, this is a versatile cosmetic option that may be just what you need. So relax, say cheese, and let your smile shine through.

Clear Aligner Orthodontic Treatment

OrthoFX aligners offer the same discreet, comfortable, and clinically proven results as Invisalign, plus a revolutionary choice: NiTime™. This sleep-only option lets you straighten your teeth while you dream, ideal for busy schedules. Don’t settle for anything less than the best – choose OrthoFX and experience the future of discreet, convenient orthodontic care.


Occlusal Guard for Grinding

Our custom 3D-printed night guards offer a comfortable, secure fit designed for your teeth.  These guards are made from digital impressions for a precise fit and are printed with advanced materials for lasting comfort and protection against bruxism. Contact us today and see if a 3D-printed night guard is right for you!

Splint Therapy for TMJ Pain

Custom-made splints offer relief for TMJ pain.  These dental appliances relax muscles, improve jaw function, and reduce discomfort associated with temporom and ibular joint disorders. Schedule an appointment today to find TMJ relief!


TMJ disorder Botox Therapy

While conservative treatments are preferred first, Botox® therapy can be an option for chronic TMJ pain. Injected by our qualified dentist,  Botox® relaxes muscles in the jaw, reducing tension and headaches associated with TMJ disorders.  If you’ve tried other solutions without relief, consult us about Botox® therapy for potential TMJ pain management.


We will try to see any dental emergencies on the same day during regular office hours.

Have a dental emergency after hours? No problem! Dr. Shah is always on call even on weekends!

We treat most emergencies including:
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